Frequency Coordination Meetings

Region 5 Frequency Coordination

Southern California Agencies are assigned by the FCC to Region 5 for Licensing and Coordination.

The Federal Communications Commission – Region 5:  Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties.

Regional Frequency Coordination meetings are held in conjunction with the monthly APCO Chapter Meetings.  See the Calendar page for dates and locations.

For further information contact:

Frequency Coordination Meetings

Frequency Advisory Committee:  Frequency Advisory Committee Contact List

Some meetings may be conducted via Zoom video conferencing – Use the link below to join the meeting.

Zoom Meeting Login: SoCal APCO Standing Frequency Advisory Meeting Zoom Login

This Month’s Frequency Coordination Agendas

July 2024 Agenda by Legal size V2

July 2024 Agenda by page V2

Last Month’s Frequency Coordination Agendas

Last month- June 2024 -apps

June 2024 Agenda by Legal size

June 2024 Agenda by page

License Application Pre-Coordination

Computer Assisted Pre-Coordination Resource And Database system: CAPRAD

Find Your License

FCC License Database Search: FCC ULS License Search

FCC Spectrum Allocation

Download the Spectrum Allocation Chart: Spectrum Allocation Chart